
That's the instrumental "War Cry" by Joe Strummer and Richard Norris.

Shonen Knife, hands down.

Budd Dwyer is probably not such an obscure reference among A.V. Clubbers. But, yeah, I'd like to see that sequel get made.

Never mind. I read "work too hard to hear" as "inaccessible" which is the epitome of The Residents. I didn't understand this as being about "bands being jerks just to be jerks."

Anything by The Residents, but especially the Commercial Album. Why this was not on the list is an outrage! An outrage I say!

Kaleb is great. Two thumbs up!

Trenton makes, the world takes!

Please also note that The Venture Brothers also introduced the "Rusty Venture" to the world. Whether this is a good or bad thing, I leave for future generations to determine.

Didn't "Electric Avenue" by Eddy Grant make the Billboard charts? That's my favorite one-chord song.
ETA: Oh, I see you wrote "top spot" — so I guess my point is moot. Unless it causes someone to listen to this excellent song.

Meh. He was no Patrick Cranshaw, that's for sure.

You have the worst dreams ever.

NEVER bring a knife to a machete fight.

He's recently gave up?


Play to Win or GTFO!

The Name of This Band is Talking Heads.

Plus, there's tits and naughty bits!

This is also the prick who mass e-mailed Westgate employees urging them to vote for Mitt Romney because under Obamacare, Weggate would be forced to drop insurance benefits.

Heh heh.

Heh heh.