
Things like moving needles or bars filling up show a crucial bit of info, and that’s rate of change. It’s why even analog multimeters still have a place in a toolbox. As long as that information is being passed on, I’m fine with it. I’m not sure I like the relative rate of change idea you have here though. I like the

Talking to your wrist, ending every sentence with “in my Volvo” and then giving a sultry glance towards your Volvo parked right-fucking-there, all while wearing a three day stubble and a t-shirt under a suit that’s two sizes two small and a pair of $500 sneakers - I guess Volvo’s trying to take the “douchey” market

the video was apparently shot and uploaded by someone named Ayoub Tahri.

It’s not actually in a stream...that's just the coolant leak.

Dear Volkswagen,

I understand my post is a bit cold hearted and I am not calling for the Dresden or Tokyo style strategic bombing efforts. I am saying that letting collateral damage hamper efforts to destroy IS means more die in the end. How we win matters but it only matters if we do win.

It’s never a good idea to use the words “final solution” when referring to anything German .

Well yes but the difference is that you and I can influence some of the shitty things that happen in the world. For example you and I can choose not to buy a leather jacket where the leather was made with the toxic process in Asia or exert pressure on NYC officials to not outsource manufacture of its manhole covers,