Spiegel - ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - Hopes to post on oppos!

Is this guy refueling the car from jug?

Not a single group b image in this thread, I am disappoint.

One of the largest security companies at Y-12 is called "Wackenhut". Excellent employer, hilarious name. "Yah, if you need me I'll be at the Wackenhut."

Even if I was german...I mean...I am...3 generations back...but born and raised, I can't imagine not laughing every time trying to say that word. It's just too perfect.

Nationwide is on your side...except you NASCAR, you go stand over there.

One issue is that asking for ID is a form of search without probable cause.

The police can't compel you to show identification unless it is specifically required for your current activity (i.e. driver's license). I believe your only obligation is to give them your name if they ask.

im stealing that quote k thnx bye


AKA affordable for a brand new RWD Sporty Car

The Spy Who Loved Me was great, but the greatest?

2015 MY truck will go on sale in the first quarter of 2014

And then never replies to your calls/messages.

And publishes a press release.

We have tons of them running around Houston; people will get them regardless.