
but not the comment section.

Why would you run this piece before Levar Burton hosts?

Joe Biden is not directing them to defend Trump against her claims.

Tangentially, perhaps. But the bottom line is that Biden made a point to declare that the DoJ director does not do his bidding and has made a point to stay out of that. As painful as that is, and as much as I wish Biden would tell Garland “GIT HIS ASS”, it’s the correct call.

While I’m no fan of Biden, this doesn’t reflect on him at all.

I suspect it is a decision by the A.G. The President is not supposed to sink his fingers into the legal arguments being presented by the DOJ in Court by second guessing the A.G. I’m sure Trump would not have hesitated, and he had a highly political and partisan A.G., who had no reluctance in making decisions to

Harris’s cherry picked quote does improve in the context Jezebel wants to ignore.

The Week, a left leaning publication written by actual journalists, had a short story that put Harris’s complete comments into a nuanced perspective which sounds more like frustrated honesty than cruelty. “Do not come” was not Harris’s “original comment,” as Solis claims here. It came well within her speech.

Honestly, what could she possibly have said here that would have been acceptable to anyone? If more people show up at the U.S. border, when we can’t even process the ones who are already there, then how does this lead to any sort of a positive outcome for anyone?

The sad thing is he doesn’t even realize that without the internet, he’d still be just another con man with a combover.

are still talking about about all the anti-Asian hatred

Dear Kotaku:

That suicide forest video was the first time I had ever heard of him and now I’m forced to have knowledge of this blight forever.

I get it, it’s tangentially related to things this site would cover because it’s Pokemon related, but do we really have to keep giving this dude mindshare, not just here, but like, in general? The only reason this guy gets to keep doing the dumb shit he gets to do, while getting even richer, is because everyone keeps

Review scores are a meaningless metric, obviously, and Metacritic is a blemish on games criticism, but even those numbers—a 36, alongside a 4.9 user score—are pretty hard to deny.

I haven’t gotten anything super special, but I’ve really enjoyed the sort of pseudo-randomness of each run through the biomes. Seems like there’s always new opportunities each time you go through.

I’d have some concern that her fans might decide to try it themselves, dress and act as she does, and get injured/dead (many people are allergic but may not know it).

Except it’ll probably be more oriented towards eco-fascism. So controls on procreation, imperialist control of remaining resources, and no doubt deciding those who don’t fit their ideal (typically racial, gender, and sexual minorities) being left to die off.

See, now that a bunch of guys are the top hot tub streamer suddenly the people who were up in arms about it aren’t so mad anymore.

This is good for Bitcoin”