
I am really happy that everyone seems to see through how fucked up this article is. I think it’s highly likely that Biden will not seek a second term, but guess who will and could use some bona fides on her resume that are as far away from cop as possible??

What if we built some kind of guide system for these autonomous trucks right into the road, so that the truck didn’t have to steer itself the whole time and can instead just follow a track, since there will be tons of trucks driving the exact same route? Then what if instead of just one tractor pulling one trailer, we

No, this article isn’t about Charisma Carpenter. 

Time to rationally get my expectations for BotW2, Pikmin 4, and Xenoblade 3, and Splatoon 3 as high as possible!

Yeah this is some lazy trifling shit right here. So I guess you missed the part where Biden called out Joe Manchin & Kyrsten Sinema yesterday for hampering his efforts on voting rights and other things. I mean really I know you black blue checks really think you all are doing something but you need to quit. Clout is

President Weekend at Bernie’s is willing to sign his name to the group project knowing that he didn’t do any of the work.

Just to get ahead of this now because I’m still seeing comments along these lines: please keep your expectations in check about any new Switch hardware announcements.

The Switch Pro doesn’t exist. The rumors are just a way for sites like Business Insider and Forbes to court an audience that normally ignores them. It’s the modern version of the kid on the playground whose “uncle works at Nintendo”.

“And the American people? Even the blustery ones? They only have so much of a stomach for the shit that war entails.”

Oh yeah, I mean, it’d be dumb of me to say that it’s impossible. But in order for it to work, you NEED the military. A bunch of wannabe weekend warriors (no matter how many “real soldiers” they have among them) ain’t gonna get the job done. Not even millions of them. And anything of that size would be pasted from the

Because most of us understand that you cannot overthrow the government without the full cooperation of the military and support from the majority of the population. Because how else are you going to tamp down the inevitable resistance movement that forms after such a government overthrow?

Sidney Powell? The My Pillow Guy?

Hey Maggie, look we get it you enjoyed being The “Trump Whisperer” at The NYT but really stop. Look we know you craven assholes in the media miss him and really think that boring competency is bad for your ratings & clicks but the rest of us are pretty content with Lord Stretch Marks of Mar-A-Lago gone. How about

In my neighborhood this would be grounds for Karen to call the police. She’s got them on her speed dial. 

No offense, but Stacey Dash didn’t give ME “Clueless.” Not only have I never actually seen it, but where is it on the list of Black People Movies? That’s why I question your “gave us” part. But, the rest of your post... spot on.

The draft shouldn't exist, for men or women, but so long as it does it shouldn't be applicable to some and not others on the basis of sex.

Either way, the ACLU taking up the military draft as an issue concerning gender discrimination seems to me to be a pitfall of liberal definitions of gender equality, which rely on the idea that women must seek to do everything that men do.

I disagree. If anyone is subject to the draft, then everyone should be. And also I think that the families of Congress and the president's cabinet members should automatically be drafted first. Maybe if it's *their* children killing and dying they will be less inclined to start shit.

It’s one thing to host pirated copies of ROMs and such. That will already get you on Publisher’s radars. But, profit off them in any way, and it’s like bleeding in shark infested waters. They’ll stop that nonsense right quick!

As much as I support keeping old games alive via emulation, especially for games that we all know are never going to see a rerelease, everything this guy in particular did seemed to be stupid decisions.