
Sorry, Wimpy, apparently you have to pay for any cheeseburger you want to eat, even on National Cheeseburger day.

She’s linking to the definition of Quad Cities pizza. It’s just the way that sentence was worded implies all Quad Cities pizza come topped with Doritos, and that’s not what she’s talking about. She’s talking a specific Midwest pizza experience, those taco pizzas.

like Doritos on a Quad Cities pizza?”
Quad Cities style taco pizza, Aimee. That distinction is important.

Nice to see the Russian Bots are out in force on Twitter today as well...

He really can’t let anything go. This whole story would be a nothing-burger (ahem, nothing berder) at this point if the bloviating pumpkin would have taken the loss and moved on. Instead, every day we get more “no, I didn’t do that. Fake news! Fake news!” as the evidence of the clearly Sharpie marker, his favorite

Frozen Skittles are just a dentist’s dream come true... The chance of teeth damage gnoshing on a bag of frozen Skittles is too high, compared to other candies...

They had some messy s’mores cookies earlier this summer, too.

(chef working at the school in Mississippi): NAILED IT!!!

Bad, Gearoid, bad! Don’t bring this shit into our living room just because you think a public flogging is going to make the racist asshole see the light. They aren’t going to and now we just have a stinking piece of dog feces someone stepped in all over the carpet...

I wouldn’t hold too hard on to that hope. His district is comprised of the aging portion of Iowa, full stop. The younger members of Iowa have flocked to the 1st (Dubuque, Cedar Rapids and Waterloo) 2nd (Iowa City, Davenport, Muscatine, Fort Madison) or 3rd (Des Moines) Districts if they still reside in this state. The

It also forces Trump to have to campaign on two fronts, and could lose him votes from his nonsupporters. For Democrats, this is a potential win if Walsh prolongs his primary process for as long as possible.

Iowa doesn’t have a gerrymandering problem. Iowa’s one of the states that has a bicameral committee that meets statewide for when district lines need to be redrawn and redraws those lines together.
He’s in a district that has been perfectly tailored for him, however, with far more rural counties than population

This is another bill he’s sponsoring that’s going absolutely nowhere, either. In the more than eight years he has been a congress person, he has had one bill he was the primary sponsor on been enacted into law. Just one. And that was with at least six of those years where his party had control of the House. He

So is Forest’s argument we all just need faster rocks so we can kill the next Cain a more expedited manner?

You want the fucking primaries anywhere else, by all means, take them... As an Iowan nowhere near Steve King’s congressional district anymore, I’m already tired of the political ads, and we’re still a year or more away from the election. Now we’re getting the “medicare for all is socialism” advertisements on all the

What cepaig stated. I’m strongly looking at Castro for a cabinet position or vice-presidential pick for a few different front-runners.

Their tracks cut the entire way through your auditory system...

If you look at his filmography, it really isn’t that weird of a departure for him.

Whichever of the Gizmodo staffers run the tomato face accounts, just fucking stop. You have enough Russian trolls diluting the discourse on this site without this idiot shill.

But you’re going to want that lemonade after eating a corn dog or pork chop on a stick...