
This is a salad the same way Snickers salad is a salad. “Well, at least there’s a smidgen of (insert name of fruit here)” is the mantra of the Midwest.

You just have to raise your arm about THIS high.

Never underestimate the way greed and heartlessness/callousness intersect for the Republican Party. If it’s good for them, chances are it’s going to fuck over the poor and disenfranchised.

I hope Michael Ian Black and his two Super Bowl rings will have an opportunity to do one hell of a touchdown dance when the above all proves true. After all, the NRA is a terrorist organization.

Shut it down, guys. We have our comment thread winner.

I await his briefing on the matter on his next episode of “I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats” podcast...

“Why would the U.S. gov’t want to cling on to strangers’ children, what are they going to do with them with their parents gone?!” -

The answer to this one is simple - profit. Read the coverage of the centers that housed children from this and the amount of money these private businesses raked in, and you’ve got your

Her guest appearances on Comedy Bang Bang and her role in Wet Hot American Summer suggest otherwise. She definitely is a better collaborative comic, feeding off the energy of others in an improv environment, but I wouldn’t say she needs Offerman or Fey to do well, just other comedians to play off of in general. 

What in the hell, CNN? Stop giving crazy the microphone!

ICE Officials deserve the scorn and retaliation as well. You lie down/ally with dogs, you’re going to get fucking fleas...

Acosta, you don’t fucking apologize for the White House Press Correspondent’s dinner. It got under Sanders skin. You redouble the efforts. Drive the point home that not answering your questions or stating the press isn’t the enemy is essentially more of that smokey eye makeup she loves to use so much. Sanders and

Grassley should have retired to the fucking pasture by now, if not under it... That old kook has switched entirely to party over country, compared to when he first was on the Senate and actually worked with other legislators to pass good legislation.

Or six random numbers. 

He doesn’t, but I’m sure members of the Sea Org. definitely do that shopping for him...

Free food is free food. I’m not going to disagree with anything anyone brings me to eat. 

Only if you actually think and have a critical component of your brain wrestling with the conflicts. If you just accept everything you see online is true, it really isn’t much of a headache at all, and why 2018 and even 2020 look less and less winnable, because apathy is still going to win at the ballot box.

A subtle reminder that there is something besides shirts and shoes someone needs to be wearing before heading out into public or shopping at stores, their kitschy signs leaving an obvious glaring loophole be damned...

Keeping with the Paper Mario motif, Super Paper Mario is a game I gave up on. It through away what two other entries in the series Paper Mario had set up to change itself into a platform game with half the density as the previous entries. There were limited side quests and partners were non existent. It was a joke of

Bro, Jeremy Renner is living that Matt “Bro” Fraction “Hawkeye” life, bro. (He was recording the film “Tag” at roughly the same time as Mission Impossible, a film, like his Hawkeye namesake, that resulted in the human without superpowers breaking both his arms and being a wet sponge against comedic powerhouses Jon

Apparently, you’re not in corn country... It’s just cheaper to buy the ethanol additive fuel then it is the straight unleaded fuel.