It’s funny because they’ve never turned their nose up at government aid before (cough, cough) farm subsidies, ethanol credits, wind tax credits, (cough, cough).
It’s funny because they’ve never turned their nose up at government aid before (cough, cough) farm subsidies, ethanol credits, wind tax credits, (cough, cough).
Oh, the timeline of their marriage looks suspicious as well. He starts dating her in 2000, while still married, and just as Big Brother was starting, the show that launched Chen’s career out of the news departments and into entertainment on CBS.
Joel has been tightlipped about it o his posts, beyond we are definitely getting six new episodes and the movie they’re taking live on tour had to be called an audible for the sequel, due to the sexplaining that happened in Deathstalker that had to be edited out. The Season 12 shirts look awesome.
“How he hid that under his stovepipe hat, I don’t know, but the refs are saying it’s allowed! How Reed Hastings is standing over all this abuse when he just came here for an argument is beyond me!!”
It’s no fun as a weight loss supplement, because most the weight you’re losing is water weight, so it can lead to symptoms of dehydration fairly quickly. If you have a compromised immune system, do not recommend at all.
Why do his spots spell out “I hate you Ron” in Morse code?
“Murder board! Murder board! Murder board!”
You mean people still went and did the jobs they’re paid to do?
Go fuck off with this bullshit.
One journalist being barred from an event for retaliatory measures doesn’t mean other journalists who aren’t barred don’t cover the event. What it means is you, the journalist who wasn’t banned, might show solidarity by…
Managers aint making minimum wage... They’re paid slightly above minimum wage :-P
What kind of moron hires Larry Kudlow as a “financial expert”? Someone who has no problem driving his finances and those of the American people off a cliff, that’s who...
And I’m guessing we’ll have a second class of citizens we’ll have live on a space station in the asteroid belt between Mars and Earth... The Belters, as you will...
Wow. They literally are that stupid to attack the self appointed and proud king of schlock cinema... It’s kind of hard to be taken seriously in your outrage when you’re going after a dude who made a series of films centered on a deformed janitor cleaning up the crimes of corrupt politicians and assholes in his town.…
Ghosted 2.0 was a D for me. There was little redeeming about it, at all. Ghosted 1.0 was roughly in B- territory. It had promise, if they’d worked on editing some of the clearly improvised riffs between Robinson and Scott down.
Also, Roseanne, the joke was recent. Like, minutes from her mouth to Twitter.
Gunn’s tweets were decades old. Decades where he was able to show he has grown and changed from those earlier views via his actions and thoughts. That context is important to those cases.
Black’s targeting I saw unfolding Saturday. He has been viciously vociferous against the NRA, especially spokesperson Dana Loesch, over the past six months. I think he knew the attack would be coming, but not the way they came at him.
Fuck Mike Cernovich, Jack Probosiec and all of the alt-right and toxic fandom behind this current tone-policing witch hunt.
“It’s Tucker Carlson-drinking-milk-while-masturbating-to-a-Roseanne-Barr-sex-tape white.”
Well, maybe listen to the goddamn criticism, Will. Seriously. A review isn’t a recap. It should provide more then just recapping plot points. There are enough podcasts that have confused this portmanteau as well, so it’s not just you, but it is annoying.
Plus, you already are the guys with the guns. No one is going to mess with you except the bad guys with the guns, and (spoiler alert) they aren’t on the bus you’re currently following around the state...
Yeah, the tip not being picked up before the people were seated makes me feel cleaning was sketch in the restaurant...