
Poor regulation, corporate greed, lackadaisical maintenance and little or no consequence for the managers of these negligent companies.

It’s not that most cops are bad people. It’s that when they kill somebody, nothing fucking happens. 

One of my co-workers summed it up more like this:

“I don’t think it was the smartest move, I’m not arguing that it wasn’t the right thing to do, just not the smartest. Pulling a 180 like was bound to create an even more toxic environment in my opinion because no one (whether true or not) wants to feel disenfranchised

“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”

Shit happens.

You know, all you have to do is open a new tab and google for 10 seconds before looking like a doofus on a national forum. Seriously, infinite information available to you if you just go type  “sailboat faster than wind” which takes all of no time at all.

There are always ways around that. Usually it’s as simple as using a different port than 1194. Port 443 is a good one because it’s extremely unlikely they’re blocking, or even monitoring, encrypted HTTPS traffic. And if they are, it’s probably because they’ve set up a MitM attack to monitor all student browsing, and

Ground meat has more health risks because of the surface area that is possibly exposed to pathogens. A slab of pork will have some pathogens on the outside that get cooked off while grilling/frying/baking or whatever, but ground pork(like ground beef) has a lot more surface area exposed to pathogens and needs to be

Just borrow a kid from your local park*

You ever work in a factory?

I’m guessing a lefty came up with this.

Because the smooth edge is so smooth that it’s really hard to grab with hands. You’d have to use your fingernails. The tiny plier things are very very useful.

WRONG! This crap has been filling my news feed lately, and it’s time to stop this viral nonsense. Here is an image from the original patent for the type of can opener in question:

I went googling for a Dumbo Bambie hybrid expecting the internet to fail me... I give you the glory that is Dumbie.

are you new here 

Can’t really see this going through. In many states, audio surveillance is illegal without consent whereas video isn’t tied up in that type of red tape. While Walmart could easily change the terms of their employee agreement to force their workers to agree to it, they could never get uniform consent from shoppers.

Here’s what approximate 95% of the conversations between employees will sound like:

I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to put your socks in the pool, swim with a shirt on, or let your baby in the water with a regular diaper.


However, NONE of this is worth calling the cops over. None of it. The neighborly thing to do would be to offer to lend him a pair of flip-flops, or something.

You know,

“If your ISP is at fault, give them an earful and figure out what, if anything, they can do to give you the network performance you deserve.”

Thank you. That statement was just as incorrect as some dumbfuck saying “It snowed this year; global warming isn’t real.”