
You are describing a billboard.

These signs provide a public service and should cost no more than the amount it takes to install and maintain them. The purpose of these signs is to attract travelers to an exit, not to an individual business... hence all the restrictions/qualification around operating hours and

why am i seeing this? GD Gizmodo

why is this on the front page of US gizmodo?

Before cross-posting to the Gizmodo ENGLISH website, please consider these two things:

How do I unfollow languages I don’t understand?

Intentionally posted to the English version of Gizmodo?

Matias I respect your background if that is the case but throwing this on English Gizmodo is a dick move mate. Why don’t we just plague it with some Greek, Italian, Lebanese, Indian, and fuck English off altogether?

“inside an overpriced, rounded package.”

“All of them are spying on you, in one way or another.”

“while Sonos’ lineup is the preferred multi-room setup for coastal liberal elites and company bathrooms everywhere.”

“There’s no way Apple would prevent users from streaming their own tunes to the HomePod, but they did get

Now playing

This is what you’re looking for

This is what you’re looking for

But likely perfect for a Raspberry Pi. Should be low draw and still cheap.

It’s fine as long as there is no battery or active charge held in any of the components such as capacitors. Just dry it before you use it!

On the tap water: It depends actually. As long as there are no unsealed components, batteries, etc. then this will not hurt anything. Warm water may also remove bits of excess flux from the PCBs which in some cases might be beneficial. (at least with some types of flux) Provided that they are properly dried off

the only video we’ve seen of him actually driving shows him behind the wheel of a Rolls Royce, which is built by German company BMW.

It got stuck loading!

Probably how most people screw with skin care products, with eyes closed and hands clenched.

Luckily, his idea for Gas & Vinegar Potato Chips never panned out.

When he was arrested, Chatman offered to plead guilty to assault in exchange for having the armed robbery charge dropped.....

“My nana used to sew.”

Call me crazy, but I kinda wish more CEOs would just give it to me straight like that.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the