Who do you think you’re hiding your access from when you use a us-based vpn?
Who do you think you’re hiding your access from when you use a us-based vpn?
Who do you think you’re hiding your access from when you use a us-based vpn?
Who do you think you’re hiding your access from when you use a us-based vpn?
your cast iron pan in the header image looks like someone stripped the seasoning off the inside of the pan by soaking it. it should be full on black and smooth, not that off color brown mottled mess. ideally, you don’t ever use soap and water on cast iron. if you need to scrub it, use chainmail. if you think you need…
Buy one-step cleaner. Follow directions.
use a ripe pineapple and smack it with a mallet or meat tenderizer a bit before cutting the top off. you need to break up the fibrous rind a bit for this technique to work well.
Do you need a battery? If not, then just get a wyze. needs to be plugged in, but costs $25 with no subscription charges. Has night vision, a sd card slot, motion tagging/detection, IFTTT support, and stores 12 second clips to the cloud. Features to be added soon include rtsp and ir-cut without turning on the night…
Do you need a battery? If not, then just get a wyze. needs to be plugged in, but costs $25 with no subscription…
If your hard drive sounds like this: back up your data and buy a SSD already...
If it’s a mac or a chromebook, then it’s probably a giant pain in the ass. Most windows laptops are dead simple, with some even having a special door that pops off on the bottom to expose the drive for ease of access.
This sounds like McAfee. Uninstall that hot garbage.
there are no blades in your garbage disposal.
soak the sponge in bleach, that’ll kill those bacteria...
from what i remember, it has to do with the encryption protocol used for wireless. if you use TKIP or TKIP/AES combo mode on the router, the brother printer will fail to wake from sleep when talking to an apple device. the only way around this is to use exclusively AES.
from what i remember, it has to do with the encryption protocol used for wireless. if you use TKIP or TKIP/AES combo…
It’s ironic that your “little knowledge” is what’s incorrect here. Try this experiment: set up 11 routers running different networks in the same room, first with 1 on each channel, then with 4 on channel 1, 3 on channel 6, and 4 on channel 11.
Daylight bulbs are horrific. Use caffeine to stimulate yourself if you need extra stimulation, forcing others to endure the painful, migraine inducing blue light from your “daylight” bulb is just cruel.
Daylight bulbs are horrific. Use caffeine to stimulate yourself if you need extra stimulation, forcing others to…
no. No. NO. Do not ever use a 2.4 ghz band other than 1, 6, or 11. These are THE ONLY NON-OVERLAPPING CHANNELS. Any other channel you use will have crosstalk with multiple other channels. It’s better to be running 2 different devices on the same channel than to be overlapping with 2 or more channels because you’re…
Generally, here, recycling pickup is free, while you have to pay for garbage pickup. So not recycling at home will cost you a fair bit of money because you will have more garbage that needs to be picked up instead.
Different cities recycle different things. for instance, if you are ever in detroit, you can recycle styrofoam. Some places take those wax covered paper cartons, some don’t. The same goes for soft plastics like bags.
is it real lumens though, or marketing lumens
is it real lumens though, or marketing lumens
Currently it’s a balmy 4°F.
franks is terrible.
franks is terrible.