
I use that example when I'm lecturing to college students about polyamory.

Dark Moor should do the soundtrack.

I was hoping they'd ditch the skirt and have a version of the outfit that is more in line with the New52 Supergirl or perhaps New52 Earth-2 Power Girl/Supergirl/Superwoman.

Deadpool has had quite a few romances.

Can't get into specifics (not my tale to tell) but I knew a JW very well and, yeah, it not only happens but they have no problem helping out those who do get caught, even with legal bills.

Lindsay is Vanessa, Wade's main squeeze for a long time.

Unless absolutely required, removing Flash can help a lot. It takes up memory like mad, never mind all the security issues.

I believe it also depends on what state you're in.

Needs more Jay & Silent Bob.

If you spay or neuter your pets then vaccinate your children.

Kelley Jones did a run on Gotham After Midnight (iirc) but his Batman always hit me the wrong way. Fine for covers, but in the interiors it was like he was trying to break Batman's anatomy.

I've written short stories (some people even really liked them ;) ), mid-length, dabbled in script writing (movie/tv show) and comic writing. Comic writing seems to be the best for me, as I get the visual and the words together in the perfect mix.

As I had stated, I was minimizing the terms of the contract for the sake of brevity, with a note that there are far more generous terms within the actual contract.

Problem two. Artists get promises of being paid handsomely all the time. Big promises of back end pay or recognition blah blah. I can assure you it never works out for the artists advantage. Ever. Even worse, if the writer does make any back end money they mysteriously disappear and stop returning emails. So from the

Which is understandable but also makes it an exclusive club to a point, which is drowning out some voices that should be heard.

I'd like to see the other side: a comic writer. Not one of the well knowns, but one that has been steady.

Conversion therapy is a success if you count dead people as a success.

Hmmm. Still don't see the likeness.