
The one on the left is talking into a walkie-talkie.

Let's see...


It's from a writer of the now-defunct Quantum Leap canonical comic (from Innovation Comics) writing about Stonewall in an issue where Sam leaped into a person who ends up at the raid.

Yeah, that's not open or polyamory. That's controlling and not comfortable with your penis.


If doing any kind of screenwriting course, get Storyist instead of FinalDraft. Works sooooo much better, lighter footprint, and supports both opening and saving in FinalDraft format.

I loved the original NES version so much. Even the sequel.

First of all, I thought the whole POINT of Scooby Doo was that the ghouls and warlocks weren't real—they were just greedy dildos trying to hoard pirate treasure by dressing up like witches. So how the fuck did one of them turn Daphne into an instant fat lady?

I'm sure making an argument out of failed reading comprehension doesn't deserve a response, but you got one anyway.

Seems it would work well for podcasters who use Soundcloud as a hosting service. They wouldn't have to do affiliate crap like Audible or wait for their podcast to get immensely popular because they're not celebrities already to get some funds back.

Today Fark announced...

Prediction: the overarching story/villain/etc of Multiversity is us. Online people. Trolls. Commentators. Those who bash creators for no real reason, etc.

Game(s) mentioned: Velocity and Coconut Dodge reVITAlized, both from Futurlab. I named the former and rechristened the latter's appearance on Vita.

Saved for posterity:

Bucky Cap. I actually liked him better than Rogers Cap.