
Off the main point but still a bit on topic:



Dick was killed.


Please let this be an alternate dimension...

Mind is blank... mind is blank... CRAP! I just turned us into LEGOs!

I'm just happy to, FINALLY, be here in a group shot.

Difference between me and those guys? I make this look good.

Did somebody mention Alpha Flight?

The "HD sound", as they're calling it, is so different at first but within about ten seconds I was hooked. Just spatial awareness with a little extra oomph thrown in.

I miss QT7Pro. :(

Did my whole second wedding for $300.

the tiny bleep/louder than the music note right at the moment doesn't help.

On a lot of sites you can use the "Reader" button in Safari to read multi-page articles on one page.

Sting has never worked in the WWF/WWE.

If I owned a bar I'd order these by the caseload and they'd be the only straws we stocked.

Rock. Tree.

For me it's running in RealPlayer time...

But does Twitter let the account holder know about the copyright take down?