Out-dated is a relative term.
Out-dated is a relative term.
Crappy tick rates are because they cheaped out on their servers.
Depends on your definition of failure
“Mustang Driver"
Have you seen the technological scrap heap that is the automotive touch screen industry? They’re all cheap garbage, aside from Tesla.
“text size and legibility”. The letter A doesn’t have to be comprised of the same number of pixels at 1920x1080 as it is at 640x480. Lol.
They break. Like everything. The screens don’t last forever. They’ll start ghosting eventually.
So, uh... Why can I still not plug in a 10$ Bluetooth OBDII adapter and use Android Auto to its full capabilities? I have the Torque app that shows that everything is fully accessible from the cars crappy old ECU, Android Auto shouldnt have a problem pulling that info either. That’s all it is doing when the…
LA people are typically pretty. They congregate there.