Wow this comment got more than 20 upvotes. I am disappoint Kotakunites.
Wow this comment got more than 20 upvotes. I am disappoint Kotakunites.
What’s erotic about a couple guys taking a shower together and helping each other out? It’s just what good friends do. Hell, it’s plain good manners is all!
Yey! Does this mean I can get a combat bonus instead of kids?
Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation…
Honestly no one should be given that choice. Voice Chat in games and the invention of Reddit is pretty much all the evidence anyone needs that anyone between the ages of 10 to 25 should be executed brutally.
"Vaginas don't need lube."
Roommate walked in while this video was playing and I was under blankets...I have no regrets.
I was so very much hoping this article was RPDR related somehow!!
Watch RuPaul's Drag Race!
because I'm such an eloquent talker.
I'd never liked that Asians would sometimes appropriate, for lack of a better term, hip hop or black culture
I read this comment an hour ago and it still makes me feel some type of way. Thanks so much for checking out Eddie's story and my story, and then telling your own. That's what the world (or America, rather) needs right now, so much: more Asian-Americans, talking about our own individual experiences.
I mean, technically any of us could die tomorrow in a freak accident, so it's not like we're even guaranteed to live to see Age of Ultron.
Today on Kotaku; a commenter overreacts to an insane level in an astonishing display of hyperbole.
More at 11.