
I'm sorry to hear that you can't mention your ASD to anyone you wanna date. That's so awful, I wish I knew how to help. Do you know of the Wrong Planet forum? Maybe you could talk about your problem there with other autistic people?

pretty sure that's the international title for "The Yellow Wallpaper"

You know, you make total and complete sense. Google should be "diverse". You know where else this "diversity" should be? Hospitals! Why should those femanazis decree that using leeches to cure people of disease is completely unsafe, or that forcing women to orgasm to allieve them of hysteria isn't pretty much just

The AV Club
bring forth a wonderful and terrible mental image

So, is there going to be a seperate march for the people playing devil's advocates, or can they get in on this action?

Holy fucking shit, I thought 13 Reasons Why was the most reprehensible thing Netflix churned out.

fun fact, that show was filmed at Disney MGM Studios.

Leonard likes this post.

How so? There's a big article on how everything will essentially be the same.

Does the creator of Dilbert get a cameo in this? He's a big believer in this bullshit (among other awful things, as reported on his rationalwiki entry).

wardrobe provided by CHONK

in my headcanon, I like to think that Jenna was the one who got the part in Pixels as President Kevin James' wife.

Speaking of, I've just started reading Preacher: Book Two, its good so far. I just finished the issue where Cassidy Cassidy discovers the drug stash from Jesus Desade his girlfriend overdosed on, and he's out to avenge her. And Herr Starr gets raped by the sex detective.

This was a really great one in my eyes, I think this season may be my favourite for basically wiping the slate clean and moving forward into uncharted territory instead of rehasing the same stuff.

but my dad, Tom Boswick, certainly is. There wasn't too many happy days with him.

Its still puzzling that they're still planning on making a Gambit movie. Wasn't his fifteen minutes pretty much over after that awful Wolverine movie?

A hard Lana Kane-level nope for me, as well.

Blackagar Mxyzptlk Boltagon, to be precise

I found a twitter thread discussing the inherit problems with the X-Men comics/movies/tv shows/ect, of how the series as whole fails at real representation and is only written by people of priviledge and creating a false dictonomy of the Xavier/Magneto philosiphy.

I was making a joke of White Anglo Saxon Protestant names, saying his would be what their equalivelent of one would be.