
I'm just hoping that Lucas and Mike won't be big assholes this time around, I found them to be almost as big as bullies to 11 as those bullies were to them.

I caught the first episode last week and I really hated it. Its like the evil twin of Happy Endings, you want to stay the fuck away from all these people and pray you're never stuck near them, like in a restaurant or broken amusement park ride.

thats what grinds my tits about how my family believes leaving them up for "history preservation". Other than people can read a fucking book about their history, these statues are basically telling people "look how cool and awesome the confederates were", like the unfortunate side effects of something like American

Its completely fucking disgusting my family is on this current kick, I just want to fucking shout at them how they're essentially apologizing for the group that wants to COMMIT GENOCIDE against their queer autistic son, because "history needs to be preserved" or "Antifa/BPP/BLM is like the KKK/as bas as the Nazis!"

that depends, when did the spinning top stop?

I though he has Boourns Syndrome?

hell, the whole fake news meme being abused now was originally a nazi tactic used to attack critics of the Nazi regime. These fuckers likely know and wallow in it.

the writers of Venture Bros could've written circles around this episodes shallow parody. I don't think anyone on this show could've combined Batman and Michael Jackson like they did in a personal favourite episode of mine.

Isn't the pop-culture of the 1940s Americana not something too worthy to celebrate? Lindsay Ellis was pretty clear on how the media at that time and moving forward, had a pretty "have my cake and eat it too" approach towards it? portray the nazis as puppy-kicking, baby eating monsters but refuse to enter the war,

everyone, I need some help/advice.


I was just pondering this recently, why does the promo artwork for this season of Preacher have such a colourful neon design, even though the show itself is largely not colourful to warrant it?

Seriously, that's what the plot was an homage to? Damn, that is pretty obscure and does make it a bit more interesting since I always assumed Saw was like, the very first torture porn movie.

I just assumed that the cold open was just one of the infinite deaths of Rick and Morty

not so much saying, but Pierce and him did do a big performance piece where they dressed up in fairy costumes and waved the Israel/Palestein flags around.

That Imaginary Capital Partners sounds like my jam, thanks for introducing me to it.

Not really feeling this is their a-grade material, I think a b- at best.

they might do a somewhat retro-look, like with how Gotham City is old and new at the same time.

maybe you're thinking of Papernik, the Donald Duck comic that had him become a superhero?

thank you very much.