
I agree with you fully. My family is far too forgiving of people like Mel Gibson and Pat Robertson because they "apologized" or "suffered enough". Fuck that noise.

what was the point of keeping it there? Why not try to destroy it or re-hide it somewhere remote? Its far too powerful to keep around.

and dance-wiggling. Can't forget that.

mediocre white male priviledge helps them a lot.

I figured the Tin Tin movie cut it pretty close.

though technically in The Mummy, the plot wouldn't have been the same if the hero didn't do a thing (I'm referring to how Jones could've stayed out of the story and the nazis could've fallen to the climatic "opening of the arc" without him).

what about the TNT Libarian movies?

true story, my cousin met Meyers at a Costco book signing. When Meyers went to point at my cousin's shirt (I think it was an SNL shirt) and my cousin went to shake his hand, it went over like those awful Trump handshakes, but more awkward. Everyone had a good laugh at that and he signed my cousin's book for him.


because sometimes you just want to veg out and read dumb shit, you know

I think its more regrettable that Feig and Sony made this movie instead of someone more talented.

It felt awful knowing how far she's dropped, my girlfriends really liked her too. What the fuck is going through her mind when she'd dating a GGer, is she just becoming super susceptible to terrible ideas? I hope she can get rid of the fleas she got from laying down with all those dogs.

Isn't that the beginning of creating the government from V For Vendetta?


what was the point of CP being there? His proportions looked like he was a kid with an adult face, but I don't know the joke being played here.

wasn't that just ALW's self-insert fic?

not to mention the insults about "neckbeards" bothered me, ever since I read the comic from Everyday Feminism about the topic;

that reminds me on why Alan Moore prefers books to movies, there's no multi-million deals that the book has to meet to be successes.

I didn't find him too good, it felt like his voice was too high pitched for a Price impression. Him and Bill Hader aren't too good at impersonating him.

I feel that I would trust you more with this franchise more than these execs.