
She was simply amazing. I brought back memories of how attractive I found Jamie Lee Curtis in that awful Tim Allen christmas movie.

if only one of the mascots from Last Week Tonight had a cameo too.

I had no idea that Dash was fired, it does explain why we haven't heard much from her lately. I'm surprised there was no article about her flipping the fuck out about the opening of episode two of American Gods.

he's basically the living embodiment of the left's biggest failure.

My dad does. Sometimes when I turn the tv on when I wake up early enough, it'll still be on Fox News, since he sometimes gets up earlier in the morning, like 5am or so.

I'm so happy for this, I love the show so much. The most recent two parter with the alley cat mafia (with guest stars Joe Lo Truglio, Jim Rash and Fred Armisen and an actor from the Sopranos called "Big Pussy") and the episode about worms, birds and oppossums trying to survive were great. I love how much I can care

I'm really nervous about going into the new season of UKS. I'm scared there'll be another heaping of the asian erasure bullshit like "Kimmy Goes to a Play!" or the god-awful season one finale. Or on the lesser side but still awful, the season two opener or how Kimmy didn't really have anything to do outside a third of

Pretty much. But when I said Cheryl in reference to Rose's pleasure when being choked, I was refering to Cheryl from Archer.

From reading the wiki page for it, I just discovered there's awards for alternate history stories. I gotta try to make one sometime.

So Rose is an alternate universe of Cheryl?

loudly smoking marijuana cigarettes

too bad Geoff the Gay Robot Skeleton and Secretariet the Horse couldn't put some sense into him.

You sound like a prick to worth with. What, are you going to give them an audit to make them feel even more worthless in this dead-end economy?

That is a fantastic retort, I'd give this all the upvotes I could.
*shakes your hand, if you're ok with that*

god fucking dammit Ducky! you were my favourite agent in UNCLE!

Yeah. I always felt uncomfortable telling people I enjoy the franchise, so now I gotta do an extra level of hiding.

certainly not in this show

could Bob really be thought of as conservative?

Those episodes were barely a crossover, it just glorified cameos in a ratings trap.

To quote "The Mysterious Mr. Enter"'s feelings on Seth McFarlane;