
people like you make me hate liking Bernie Sanders nowadays.

or the transphobic equalivilent, "Science is naturally transphobic!"

or the fact that he was able to shut off Kyle Rayner's GL ring was because his willpower was too much. That is some fine bullshit.

remember that bullshit moment in Identity Crisis where he beat up Elongated Man, Zatanna, Atom, Black Canary, Flash, Hawkman and Green Arrow?

I'm actually wanting to see that. I can't get enough of the stop motion-esque animation (which I wish they'd do for the Lego Games) and I'm hoping its in the vein of Kung Fu Panda (silly on the outside, really well made on the inside).

In my autistim support grup we were talking about Lego Batman and I brought up how if KC was fighting the Adam West Batman, maybe he'd actually be formidable.

The Dark Knight Rises was completely pointless!
there, fixed it for you.


I thought that was Captain Sunshine?

When will our scars over the bowling green massacre finally heal?!

That is amazingly sweet. I'm so proud of your daughter!

speaking of Snyder, his below average Watchmen movie with absolutely no emotional payoff looks like a masterpiece compared to Dawn of Martha.

or only show up to press a button underwater.

It looked more like he was treating her as his personal maid instead of actually helping her cook at his own damn party.

I really want that suffering housewife to find happiness with that guy's sister. She needs it.

they change him up the Colonel Sanders. I'm kinda curious what Gaffigan or Riggle could bring to the table performance wise.

Is Boston really that bad? I never would've guessed.

So far I have Rent's "La Vie Boheme" song stuck in my head (damn, Idina Menzel was so beautiful in that movie!),

I wonder if he'll pop up in that new Snagglepuss comic?

not to mention ferociously defending Israel no matter what HRA they do.