Terror and Love

That's exactly what it looks like. Those "tiny towns" you see with model railways, etc.

If you pretend the "Fairy Dance" arc doesn't exists and downplay "Phantom Bullet"...

This list is missing Balsa!!!!

however that new person would have to make the same exact decisions as the last person did in order for the new reality to still exist. the thing is that new time traveler would have to be identical or near identical to the last one to pull it off properly. if there is one thing off about the person then that one

That's a mod that needs to get made. Companion Crows who randomly drop valuables into your inventory. Maybe you could also command them to peck out eyes, or distract dragons.

The Metropolitan Museum's gift shop catalogue always has a bunch of tshirts like these skirts (where the entire shirt is printed with the artwork, it's not like a picture of the painting in a square on the front).

Me too. You are not alone.

I still like Alien best (I really like the visuals in that one) but yes, this is disappointing as Alien 3 was good movie that deserves a lot more respect than it gets. Seeing it essentially erased in the timeline is pretty lame.

In the comics the zombies do actually rot away. But rather that just "die" so to speak they become barely mobile. (Example is the zombie torso reaching for Rick in the pilot episode). The comic I don't believe really addresses mop up.

They do decay, but not at the pace if they were a standard dead corpse. The TV show is probably 2-3 years post outbreak now, and there are a LOT of walkers still roaming around. They are a lot grayer, and have more "injuries" but still seem to be going strong. The zombie physiology hasn't, and probably will never be

Yes we're smart but they think we're dumb and will go for anything with no problem. God, '80's Marvel wasn't as into super-events as today but still nailed us with great stories yet comic creators today think it all needs to be spectacle and big story stuff to win you over when all we want is good stories.

Marvel/DC reboots in a nutshell. I simply wait it out and enjoy whatever the new "reboot" has to offer. Coz it 's only gonna be a matter of time before the new reboot starts to look exactly like the old reboot.... which in turn prompts a new reboot. Rebootception?

Now playing

I don't know how unappreciated it is, but Jumping Flash! is definitely a game I don't see much about these days. Kind of a shame, because it was a really novel first-person platformer way back when it was released for the PlayStation in '95 and '96 (depending on what region you were in). It was a slow and meticulous

Clearly a film set. Look at all the labels and arrows they accidentally left on! Idiots!

That movie is undiscovered, fantastic and true.

Oh, me too (though by 'kid' I can only count from seventeen, my age when the film came out). I was early 20s when I met Bergman as part of my duties as a member of a regional SF/comic convention's guest relations staff. Basically I got a couple of smooches for being generally helpful and shuttling her to the airport.

I got two kisses from Sandahl Bergman back in the mid-late 80s. Mwah.