Terror and Love

I hate this, but in my perception, the ones that started the "exclusive" content DLC trend were Microsoft in the first place. IMHO, some of the worst practices and "business innovations"that are infecting the industry came from them in the first place. The sad part is the most affected by thisare the actual consumers.

Where were these articles when Microsoft was pulling exactly the same strings (with Activision, no less) during the seventh generation?

idc im too busy SHAKIN IT LOL

For my $13.99 / month (because if you know you're going to play the game, why would you go for the full price monthly plan?), Final Fantasy XIV has added more content in the 2.4 patch than Destiny will probably have in multiple expansions.

I've put about $110 into FFXIV so far, so, about the cost of 2 full priced

Welcome to Destiny!

$20 for that little amount of content? Nope, not buying into it. 3 missions will take about an hour to complete, each one being wave defence, the new character will most likely be as bland and characterless as the others (at least he's not called The Eris though). Just not nearly enough content to justify the cost.

Not to jump onto the Destiny hate train - as I know the follow up act will be all over it, but I just cant get excited about this. While I love enjoying destiny the extreme repetitive nature of the missions is just so evident. Vanguard Strike playlist, which is really the best way to for coop multi-player search is

that's different because it doesn't let him/her hate islam and make huge lumped generalizations.

There is not one homogenous Arabic or Islamic culture.

you are walking a a very fine line with humor like this. sometimes it works sometimes it does not.

* Sees "Sunset Overdrive"

It's kind of a shame, if this game had come out in 2000, it's edginess and irony would be a welcomed breath of fresh air, and a lot of this would have seemed fresh. Now, it's well-tread ground that's been co-opted so many times by the big corporations they try to take the piss out of (including themselves), it feels

This HAS to be part of some sort of larger performance art piece. I refuse to believe that women are actually saying these things out loud about other women. It defies everything I know about, well... everything.


First, on behalf of Florida to all who see the humor in this, you're welcome! We try to please. And, as the Dumbest State, we have to work at it.

Oh you just know, "certain otherwise reasonable Jezebel commenters" are about to light up the comments section with "How can white privelage exist if i don't get everything I want 100 percent of the time."

You didn't even read any of those articles did you? They were talking about people who consider themselves "real gamers" or "traditional gamers" in the face of an expanding number of people who are just "gamers".

For sure ... I need to start recording my sorties so they can see what can be done with something like an F4 Phantom (not the best plane I know which why I chose it).

I'll admit I don't read these sites that often, but when did they paint every single gamer as vile psychos? Is there a specific article that does it? Not trying to sound like a smartass, I'm genuinely asking because I haven't seen one.

I'd offer one mild correction. It's true that this is probably the most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege we've seen in a long while, but the double-bind is that even though these are straight white males, they're the straight white males who are at the bottom of the totem pole. They're nurds. This is why