Terror and Love

I think even when we see the birth of SIs there will still be AIs. I think AIs would be entirely different than Sentient beings. They'd be very very sophisticated autonomous bots. Not alive at all. Like your guidance computer in an Airplane. If it became sentient it wouldnt be Artificial any more.

A man after my own heart. David Brin seems to be stating exactly what I've been trying argue in various forums for my entire adult existence.

Oh, for sure, it's surprisingly awesome. I just have trouble playing it nowadays because I'm not willing to grind to the get the few URs I need, and a couple of the classes I really like (and weapons) could still use some balancing, and it annoys me that that'll never happen.

Ugh, that kind of thing really bothers me. I understand that people are trying to grind as quickly as possible, but that really knocks the fun out of it. I used to play ME3 MP as well and would run into the same situation; people would complain when it took their team of 4 more than 20 or so minutes to complete a

Log Horizon (Season 2)

We've had some Mushi-shi every season this year. What other year had that?

Log Horizon (Season 2)

Lived here since 1998, haven't met him, friends in town for three days meet him today.

Definitely. I never cared for the art direction, but the writing and voice acting are still great. An attempt to make an American take on Real Robot anime that succeeded beautifully.

Oh yes. The scene where the newly-human unicorn claws at her flesh and cries that she can feel her body dying all around her had a definite effect on my young mind.

That lab scene...so many mice sucked down the pipes...

It's still anime. The term just covers a lot more than what people understand. If it's made in Japan and it's animated, then it's anime, period.

Now playing

"What have you done to me?" more haunting words cannot be spoken...

HBO showed this bad boy dozens of times, and I think I caught it before I turned 12, on some lazy Sunday when my parents were napping on the couch. There was implied hanky panky!

Exo-squad nuff said

I would also love to see less requirements for Crucible. I do not play competitive multi-player games, so it is irksome that the only way to max out the Queen's reputation is to play Crucible matches, and the several exotic bounties requires actually being good in Crucible.

a personal space, like an apartment or the inside of your ship that you can customize would be cool

I look forward to Destiny being the game I wanted it to be in the E3 previews a year or so from now... Hopefully.