Terror and Love

Such as the guy a couple weeks ago who walked up to me and asked me why I was wearing heels since I was already 'too tall.'

He would have to be considering that Goblin is their leader. Unless they want make the Superior version of the Six (the best version).

I'm playing as an Exo. I was going to roll a human Titan at first, but then I realized, "Wait a minute, you dummy, you have the option to be a robot wizard and you're not going to take it?" So I am an Exo Warlock now.

Its amazing that the camera on that flight managed to get such good pictures. I figured it would be obscured by a massive lens flare...

'Destiny's waypoint-checking system is a bit annoying, since you have to take out your Ghost to get the markers to appear on the screen...'

I absolutely prefer this to having a constant white dot just RAM into my face and tell me where to go.

"Go in one level up."

HA. HAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAHHAAHA. I go in minimum 2 levels down. Try it sometime. It's a fuckin blast man. At least with friends. DO IT FOR THE CHALLENGE!

the expanse novels

I just now had a major battle with some woman who insisted that these "poor women" will never know the security of having a home, a nice car and someone to care for them. Uh, lady? I own my home. My Kaspertaurus is peachy keen and paid for. The dogs listen to me and the cats are either trying to keep me warm or

I actually like that you have to take your ghost out for the waypoint. It makes it so you're not starting at a map the entire time.

Attack on titan, that anime makes you feel utter despair.

Nothing convinces me more that the fate of the world is at stake than reading my Facebook News Feed.


Oh, is she another Nickleodeon star?

My kids sometimes watch that awful Sam and Cat show. It is just awful. Awful awful. I sit in the kitchen with headphones on drinking wine until it's over.

That's kind of why I'm just that bit less excited for DA:I. I was like aw, no, guys...you had it right with DAII, you just needed to let that bake another six months or so and you would've had something amazing. I liked that the world is saved...on the other side of the continent, before Hawke even gets around to

CoH did this well when. Problem is almost no one read the actual mission text. I remember one mission that involved getting back a track and field trophy from some robots that were going to melt it down and use the metal for spare parts. The quest giver was in a wheel chair and he had won the trophy before he was

Fuckin' beaters.

Give me a talky 50mil Silver Surfer movie where he just glides around talking (Jim Jarmusch should direct) and that would be great.

I love it when dudes (some girls too I suppose) are like "Boo, get this realism crap out! It's fantasy, okay? Who cares if it wouldn't work in the real world! It's all escapism! F-I-C-T-I-O-N. Do you know what that is?"