Terror and Love

Just some random thoughts

Life is too short and my backlog is too long. 5000.

It was only a matter of time before this article appeared. Alas that I bet for sooner.

Gita, Tim, you two are doing a good job. I look forward to this show before the weekend.

Its probably a bit different for you being you are in the industry. But for me I just gave up on the idea of playing all the things.

Games Industry its time to move to Vegas or Montana.

Just some random comments on the show.

Darn this thread. Its really making me want to do a TNG and DS9 rewatch. I need too too

Adding the soundtrack to that TEDTalk was A+

This was an incredible episode! So thats what Spy Party is!!

“By that metric, Sanders is winning. And when jokes are made at her expense at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night, I’m sure she, too, will be laughing.”

I have to say, I’ve never been unhappy by any Symmetra play on my team. I get the memetic virus around her. She’s the monster under the bed for finding a reason why your team lost.

We are fully into it IMO.

I got glasses! Its like a whole new world! Would recommend.

Okay I really enjoy Tim’s video review. Good stuff XD

This was a good video. Thanks. For me completing a game is more about my mood than anything.

Finally a quirky mini-boss squad.

Hawkeye is like them quasi-real particles they look for at the bottom of salt mines.

The larger a person is on an Infinite War poster the larger is the chance that they are going to die.

Not me, baybee!