Terror and Love

Yall please dont let people into traffic across opposing lanes. I have seen to many people be T-boned that way.

WHAT! That was it.

I actually really like Louisiana Purchase. This could work!

Welp I’m all messy at my desk. (;_;)

They did a bad job advertising. NBC...

I categorically disagree with this. That stache is a jewel.

“At the lower levels (noncompetitive play and arcade being comparable to local leagues and K-12 sports, maybe even some lower college sports divisions) being versatile in that relatively low median skill group is a benefit. As you move higher up (at this point comparing competitive matchmaking and OWL to the various

Naw thats reductive and restrictive. Being able to play more than one character, and switch roles and switch characters on the fly, is far different than what you are describing.

I dont think sports is the right analogy though. For athletes it takes an absurd amount of effort day in to really meet the requirements of those roles. In video games switching kits is way less involved.

This works out for me because I find the DPS heroes sort of the least interesting. I hope one day the roster is at least double what it is now.

I’m trying to learn Doomfist but its just.... like I’m flailing around uselessly. I need more time on him. I think part of it is I dont know where I should be playing him.

In Overwatch discourse I was surprised that people who played different heroes were designated as if they were anomalies. “Flex” players.

Ultimately it doesnt matter if the wall is a waste of money. It doesnt matter if it will actually do anything except waste money.

A reminder though. This phenomena isnt a case of brainwashing though. This is willing participation in this movement.

“On Twitter, some joked that this was just “the producer,” implying that he was separate from the virtual anime girl.”

For me I’ve always found that trying to defeat Uncanny Valley through spending or tech was a mistake. Because people go in animal braining “You cant beat me I am superior to this” but they arent aware of how much its used in many of their fav things. Because no gauntlet is thrown.

I just clasped my chest. I didnt anticipate this news would freak me out like that.

1)What’s the constitutional law on this? Like if a President got up there and said “Hey I drink Pepsi you should too” That doesnt trip any alarms? The SOTU is government time right not private or campaign time???

Most of the people that use it dont. It might as well mean “The Other”

I dont know, I see some folks are hyped and want to play this as soon as possible....