As always Fuck Nestle
As always Fuck Nestle
Hey, when you’re at thanksgiving with your relatives that voted for this? remember those “good” people, this is what they voted for.
This is good Arnhiem!
For #2 I recommend my tried and true advice, Just because you have feelings doesnt mean you have to act on them. Its normal, and it will pass. Its not even anything to be ashamed of.
Didnt expect to see so many people closed minded about this. Or joking on Strippers.
“Weinstein Employees: ‘We Did Not Know We Were Working For a Serial Sexual Predator”
ALSO. this has been patented now, we dont know who has been using it or similar techniques since before it was patented.
“The matchmaking system would analyze player trends such as latency and weapon preference in order to place them in scenarios that might lead them to buy certain items:”
“We should NOT rush out in 2020 and react to the lack of an impeachment by primary-ing otherwise good candidates from 2018.”
I think I’ll be angry about this time for the rest of my life.
Who funds the ESRB?
1) Even if game companies raised prices how do we know the practices would stop? Trickle down economics didnt work. The cut taxes, and tax breaks, they just ended up hoarding the profits. It doesnt seem to flow back to consumbers.
“ It’s a contrast that’s often reflected in the game’s terrific soundtrack.”
I’m sorry. I dont know what to say. No words for it.
They had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Imagine how it must be to victims everywhere when America voted in an abuser to the highest office in the land.
Parthenogenesis is one method. Read more than a few good sci-fi stories revolving around the idea.
It spooks the shit out of me when you realize how many people dont have any friends that are POC. Or any people in their entire business loop that are brown they can run things by.
““I’m very cautious about it because my livelihood is on the line,” he said. “If someone in your hospital says you had inappropriate contact with this woman, you get suspended for an investigation, and your life is over. Does that ever leave you?”
How are the squad spawns? Can I spawn on a squad or its it that two person thing still?
Getting over it...never. I think I will be angry for the rest of my days. And of those who brought this upon us... I will never forgive.