Terror and Love

5. Loves Sports but Hates the NBA

“4. Loves Dogs 

-Are there usually this many shows for fall or am I just suffering from backlog distortion?

Actually, mustaches are good.

A lot of the comments are about OW and not the vid. I scrolled down this far to find the first comment on actual vid (which was A+)

This was an enjoyable read.

People who ask about black on black crime use it as a distraction. At root, any discussion of social justice is a danger to the status quo. So to prevent any change to the status quo it is good to disrupt any meaningful discussion or progress.

Total opposite for me. I’m glad they have no connection to the X-men. Because the movies are real hit or miss for me. Suffer from Blockbusteritis.

All of Hollywood. Every decision execs make leaves me baffled. Its like bananas-ville over there.

The aesthetic of this was so good I watched the whole vid. (And I got work to do breh).

Diego Luna is way too beautiful to be wasting like this Hollywood. Step your game up.

Its weird that Studios cant see that we can see that. Like they really dont value our intelligence. But hey, its Hollywood.

These guys will try to get away with saying anything they want.


Dice does this thing in BF1 where if you buy the Season pass your friend can play the DLC content along with you.

If I was the PUBG folks I’d just lay low and bask in the success of the game.

Please Hollywood just stop.

A wise person I follow once spoke that for a Women Presidential candidate to win she must be likeable.

One the one hand, Billions of dollars are up for grabs for their handlers.

“This! I will never understand why Democrats let Republicans get away with using scare tactics that are literally boldface lies,”