Terror and Love

It kinda sucks that the pop at large dont consider animated to be legitimate.

I hope she didnt feel bad about it, its not her fault. Def avoid such people.


I dont see the humor. A lot of Transgender people have been murdered this year. A lot of transgender people have been murdered.

One of the greatest events I ever read wasnt even an “event”. It was self contained in like two books

This is really Gibsonian.

I bet its something totally mundane like contracts or licensing.

I actually enjoyed Genisys. Not what I (or I assume most) were expecting but I enjoyed it a lot.

Weird stuff like that happens in BF games. Some of its practiced or set up. But a lot of it is just people dooping around and capturing it on vid.

On my side I was incredibly fascinated by the Oankali. Very alien true but not gross.

“4. There’s no athleticism in eSports.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.

“, but once it was done and Sabin was with me, everything started to look like it might work out.”

I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to see it!

Its just pushback. We had a little progress for a while. They fear they dont have their hierarchies to look down on us, and other us, so they’ve become more deranged and aggressive.

Most of the people I’ve heard talking about it are going to see it for Idris basically.

Well I mean, Celestial Beings,Cosmic Entities, Gods, High Powered reality warpers, Advanced Aliens.

I’m guessing anime has done okay by them in terms of viewer numbers.

I subscribed, but yea the ads wouldnt be so bad if they varied em. Just that tiny change would save sanity.

RENEWED! I hope they adapt all of Tsutomu Nihei works eventually.