Terror and Love

Thats one of the things I hate about this era. People use plausible deniability and dog whistles to get away with bad stuff and there is no pushback. Everyone just goes along with it like its no big deal.

IMO they could have kept Penelo as the POV. Dumbed Vaan and much inproved the game.

No one answered?

Whew someone mentioned Seveneves! Any of ye who stumbleupon this comment. I highly recommend this book. Its a rough ride though.

“Mercer confirmed thatOverwatch now ranks players about 200 or 300 SR lower than their “actual” play grade. “We do that to give you a sense that you are improving over time,” he said, since victories would initially grant more SR than usual. Players could earn back their lost SR after about 50 games.”

That material needs to be revisited so hard now. Video games, a series, something.

“For one, they never seem to understand that there is tax and a tip involved.”

Actually tipping is a whole other order of problem. We basically subsidize the service industry because we dont want to make them pay people a living wage.

Now playing

Ah Dalmasca Eastersands and Giza Plains two of the finest tracks ever made for Final Fantasy. Oh how they embodied a sense of adventure and exploration. The entire soundtrack is legendary IMO. Buy it if you can.

Beautiful space,

Governor thats not just....thats abuse. You dont have access to your own money?

“Oh we’ll get in, but there is no rest for the wicked” - The Finn.

In these dark times I try not to be too greedy. But ugh I want that.

“Netflix Finds It in Its Heart to Give the Sense8 Fans What They Want”

What is a....what did you call it? What is a platinum trophy??????

Anyone find Ensign Gomez? She deserves a spot. (I wish they’d done more with her).

Would it be too much to hope for no transphobic or bodyshaming jokes?

I wish they would dump most origin stories. Even for heroes we dont know that well. Or at the least backfilled it or truncate it.

I can see why people dont like it. I got used to it. I especially like the sound effects and music. And some of the shots they can do with cgi is cool.

Whoa! This is a treat!