Terror and Love

Whoa Nerd Rage got to me (;_;)

Be wary of common derailment techniques in the comments.

Someone pay this person!

I remember AARP running ads against HRC. Welp.

I think one of the problems is Youtube is basically a money sinkhole for google. Its massive but it looses them money. Who would take that kind of hit? It has incredible reach and ease but the cost to host that monster must be frightening.

The diversity of opinions here are amazing. Makes for a good aggregate.

Thats the reason she lived. Karen Gillan is so painfully adorable they saved her char just so they could hang out with her on set again.

Eject button: Stick your fingers in your ears and say, you know what, I’m too worried about spoilers. Let’s change the subject!”

Do any of these guys know any sex workers? Cops have sex with prostitutes all the time. Cops also lie.

Just for fun I’ll take the opposite tact of everyone on #2.

This is a very good article. Thank you on getting the word out about something people probably dont think about to often.

I remember an article NPR did on legalization back when Colorado first did it.

Jared Leto won an oscar I believe for Dallas Buyers Club.

This picture isnt some bumbling oafish lark. I’d say its quite the deliberate shot across the bow.

“Never excuse for ignorance or stupidity that which should properly be classified as malice and deliberate intent.”

Governments seem to care. To the extent they’d rather lose billions of dollars in boycotts to enforce predatory laws.

Its just a form of fan participation. For instance Fanfiction has been huge for decades whole websites decidated to hundreds of thousands of stories.

Well there are two kinds of representation.

There was also an episode where a Human was suing Greys that he accused of aducted his father. Done for comedy.

Considering how scarred I was by Fire in the Sky as a kid. Lets move that one on up to like number #1 okay.