Terror and Love

In dating its like my #1 redline. “Is this person rude to Waitstaff?” If no, do not date ever again.

Its perfectly normal to develop crushes on people IMO. Even your friends, even your friends Parents. Dont be ashamed of that. Sometimes it passes, sometimes it doesnt.

And please guys stop trying to hit on your server. Its her job.

A lot of people dont care about things like this because really they figure the gov isnt going to come after them. So why worry, why try to even stop the overreach now?

In some ways, the people who are doing this want you to feel that way. That you cant do anything.

Anyone try this experiment but with just foods?

The Rundown is a legit movie. Nice send up to the old Action heroes of the 80s-90s.

*Thinks of 2018*

Be very careful of people like Kahven.

“Once these horrors are set in motion, even a Democratic sweep in the next election won’t be enough to undo the damage, at least not easily or quickly: some of the damage will never be undone.”

Segregation was seemingly defeated. Though not really. It just took other routes mostly economic. White Flight, School funding based on wealth of the area, districting, vouchers, private schools. They found a way. Unless they wear poor too.

“Это слишком unbeleivable даже для меня” - Russian Spies.

Any relation?

Dang it Stair! Its like you threw up the ball right for Travis.

Isn’t Max almost a caricature of the whole trope. Max was so over the top in that first neonoir game... it flipped over and became excellent. Though true in MP2 they started to take it kinda seriously.... 

Awww Launchpad (;_;)

“One of the more damaging things of Trump’s campaign (and now election) that goes unspoken is that it’s removed any notion of minimum requirements to govern.”

They going to queer code him as a fool or villian? Let’s see what happens.

I bet he thinks he’s on that $$$$ if he plays this right.

My observations