Terror and Love

Hey I am eating crow here. I didnt think Russian Psyops would be so effective.

Just now in 2016...the first. Well I’m fucked.

You must live, we will need you.


Now playing

Looks like the jokes on me. So I am posting this at myself.

Wrong question. Would you want to????


She likes you. You.

That show had a great soundtrack

(O_o)!!!! I know!

“Protip: The Bugs were the Communists. There are at least two places as far as I remember when he lets the metaphor slip and careens into anti-communism rants”

As a kid I used to make custom levels in FS1. Big battles. And I’d fly around and watch the big ships duke it out.

Thats interesting. I totally didnt take that message away when I read the books. (As in I took the book far diff than the author intended then)

I think for a long time there was a space sim drought. But then people started figuring out they could finally revist the genre.

Given a long enough timeline I figure you would get back down to basics. Then after another million years you’d scale back up to more interesting macro things. Then after another billion years shift over to something else again.

“(speaking of things that happen an awful lot in Marvel movies, he’s yet another barely fleshed out villain played but an immensely talented and criminally underused actor)”

The setting did indeed seem interesting. But then I looked at the gameplay in the video....ech. I dont wanna go back to that.

“Never mistake for ignorance/stupidity that which should properly be ascribed to malicious intent.”

Well under certain definitions he might not qualify as robot. But under other existential definitions........its really iffy.