Terror and Love

You guys are weird. I actually understood what she was talking about (U.u);

In all seriousness? I think answering a poll is easy. But many folks are stretched thin by everything else already. Work, family, social pressure. It creates a form of apathy. And politicians prey on that apathy.

Karmotrine yall. #getonit

Double XP had some good commentary.

When I was young Skateboarding was so a young kid thing. Until I got old and all those first gen skaters started getting old too. (U.u)

There was at a certain period of time, Utopian and even Dystopian fiction that thought the future was going to be all grey and utilitarian.

My first Elder Scrolls was Skyrim and it was huge. My head was incredibly large on that game for months. I could see being that big a fan.

If you put a camera on me as I played a game. I would probably look like a zombie, because my mind is like gone into the game.

I like what I see.

This ghost has nice hands I would date. I wonder if she likes anime.

Well in some ways, it is incredibly terrifying that we have allowed political discourse to reach a level where you can outright get away with straight up lies, not just having fuzzy memory.

This guy was too close to becoming President. fuck... so scary sometimes

Guys why so sadsack?

I’m hoping we get a GIJoe-like TV show on netflix.

Yeah but pc aim is way too easy. It would be lopsided.

I didnt expect the list to keep going so long. It got comical.

  • March 5, 2021 - Black Widow

When I first heard how they go about sampling radio station ratings. I had to pick my jaw of the ground. Like....wheeeet?

Make sure to add Roundabout to the music track.

Colonialism does that to a people. Takes years, centuries to recover from it.