Terror and Love


Man that show was freakin heavy.....

My wish!

I actually like Genisys and I liked her Sarah. It wasnt a badass Sarah but one that had a support from a robot. Okay so I’m a big mushie over Human and AI getting along.

Yeah I think the time travel wars erased that timeline.

Stellaris.... (U.U)

Nope! Why you ask?

Ah well I shipped them. But I guess its time for it to come into port.

American treasure Terry Crews would be an inspired choice.


I have the audiobooks so I can listen at work. Learn something new each time I go through them. Experience the story differently too. In that my opinions have changed or I have.

I am taking it in stride. I follow the anime/manga school. Anime adaptation can be different than manga. While the manga are still going.

TV has been coming hard for female leads these last few weeks.

Shame really. We need as many women in politics as possible. In political office. Throughutt the entire government. perhaps 10x more than current level.

What I see is mostly people using random Japanese comments to confirm their own bias.

Damn yall reminded me of the movie Killer Joe......

“I’m sorry, but GitS is just a terrible property to take a white washing stand on.”

That’s actually not true. GitS is rather steppled in Japanese culture. It just happens to have many themes that have broad appeal as well.

Hmmm the question of whether they should or not is out of my hands.

No that’s your bias as a viewer (I mean in a clinical sense). Most anime characters look Asian to me now once I checked my own bias and nature to bend a cast or book character to my world view.