Terror and Love

The one with the axe reminded me of Snowpiercer :( A movie I never want to watch ever again.

I dont know why but that sequence of Rey just eating was powerful. Just Rey eating a damn meal in a movie and chilling afterwards. Well done that scene.

I have been consistently impressed by how subtle President Obama’s shade throwing is.

It does scare me. A lot of those guys seems to suffer from “I dont care how history will remember me” syndrome.

In a lot of ways President Obama doesnt have that priviledge. A lot is resting on his shoulders re: History.

A lawyer I know on twitter made a point that. Constitutionally the SC pick doesnt have to be approved by the Senate. Per letter of constitution. It just common practice in a sane world to do it.

I’ve trained my brain to blot out the bars but I can feel your pain.

Not mutually exclusive in young children either >:3

Nooooooooooooooooo! *falls out of chair*

I HIGHLY Disagree. I think she looks great.

It was censored by the network.

Been wonderin for a while now what the deal was with these three. Committed threesome?

I like your art style

Good deductive reasoning.


Oooooooooooooooooooooooh! Thats why Part 3 wasnt on netflix.

I am so glad George cut his hair or they would be clones with the parents.

Well, what version do you have? If you have the expansions it might be fun to run through em all. But I wouldnt say it justifies a purchase of the extra dlc.

You all had good questions!!

Life free!