Terror and Love

YES! I mean I am an Antman fan now because of that show! ANTMAN!

Far worse than I feared it would be.

The Big two and their creative team changes. Especially when a book is running at premium. I know its just part of the biz, but man it hurts books.

Avengers EMH Hulk is probably my go to for fav version of the Hulk.

$180. Worth it.

Just looking at this list made me emotional.

William Gibson went into that in, I think it was Pattern Recognition or Spook Country.

[Basically, it matters because we say it matters.]

Has there been any other times in history where we are looking at something like this? A massive amount of people reaching old age with no real systems to support them?

Susan Sarandon.... sometimes when I see her I just get depressed :/

That explains a lot.

Hard to go back to commercials. They should be scared

Damn I love that movie.

You won

1)Awww. I love Gamercat. Never one I didnt like.

That’s by informal design. Too profitable for some that we are that ignorant.

“ so British fans treated him as such, hurling insults, stones or simply walking up to him in a bar after a few drinks and punching him.”

Anyone else remember the game Ring of Red!

I drink tap wherever I go and different cities definitely have a different taste to theirs. But I enjoy the variety!

Raph in the original TMNT movie. That thing still haunts kid me.