Terror and Love

Remember old first gen recycled paper. That brown stuff. I remember liking it as a kid tho. We’ve came a long ways.

A free terabyte! How can they afford that!

Why cant Pepper keep her Extremis powers Marvel. Er I mean I hope she still has em.

Thats Starlords dad (I hope)

I think its the body upkeep that takes the toll.

Dont lose hope, we’ll get there.

Its what I hope for.

Orcs are.... you know it!

This is an old, I’m seeing comments from 2012, but I give you my encouragement. I whole heartily agree.

Its astounding to me, an oldie, what the younger generations consider to be the norm now. Its amazing.


No, not CardsAgainst specifically, but you gave me the idea to use other games.

!! Good Idea I got some cool board games I might try out on my folks.

WTF..... this is a good story.

I think his name is pretty damn cool.

I think J J Abrams is really started to get scared about now.

Best facial expressions in comics

Bloodborne is one of those games that I so want to be able to enjoy.

This reminds me of Secret World Chronicle I think. In it, the Cap and Sup analogs were an interracial couple. But the US was racist so in the press releases and such they edited out that she was Black. Like it was classified info.

I am just going to hope Rosenzweig is playing political theater to look good.