Terror and Love

DAAAAAMN!! (<3 ___ <3)

Gaming is weird. Part Art but a lot business. The shareholder based game companies might want to go over to that easy mobile money.

The most fun I ever had with Random groups was in City of Heroes. Never went as planned and we died, sometimes a lot, but it was always fun and hilarious.

Any there fans here played MGO2 and MGO1?



<3 Vicar Amelia <3 I love you babe!

:( Dinklebot

Problem is, there’s not much to make fun of anymore. Even the story is interesting—yes, Destiny has a story now!”

And from what we can see, it looks rather brutal, but the motion seems rather fluid!


The Main reason I want VR and AR to work is so it can filter into the work world.

Over 30 dollars! (I sound like a cheap old gruff.....)

100% Realistic then!

Thats how most folks sound in an FPS. Your brain is sort of taken up with the game. So its mostly inane babble. Sort of a mental form of treading water.

Naw thats how most people are in an FPS. We complain and seem sort of flat but inside we are rather enjoying it all. Thats why we dont quit.

William Gibson had a theory about why everything was Beige back in the day. One was that it was a way to make this radical new technology seem less harmful.

The thing is Biden has been there and seen all the nastiness that Obama had to go through in his 2 terms. Can you blame him?

I think the Voters dont like him, and they would enjoy it so much, you might get an easy Oscar that way.

Sith Lord