Terror and Love

Damn Fringe you came out the box with a tough bracket. Alas,.... thats the breaks kid (U.U)

Little Grandfather (;_;)

I would ask the question. Is "How is your day"+"Good" even of any true word-thought meaning?

Why did they decide to do an R word has any one said?

Will be looking into it!

Its confusing at first but learn to use the tri-attack.

I've been switching over to Absinthe for those hard moments, so I should be alright.

haha I remembered the bad old days when I used to freak out (because I had so little space) about my Battlefield 3 update downloads. LOL!! Welp....

Yeah its kookie like that. Game is way more than a Space Sim now. Its like they are creating this whole alternate world what with all the extra stuff they are putting in the game.

Wonder if I can some how order a SSD with it on there for me. That would be far easier than trying to navigate this small towns shit net speeds.

Does this mean I can maybe get a Wraith Squadron TV series out of all this??????

(Great article by the way.)

Anyone remember Stars! Supernova?

How is this stuff if you just take it dry?


Wonder how much of this is due to having a decent net connection?

You know there is probably a random book pick Algorithm that really can help. But then we'd be slave to the code....

Saladin Admed! Good to see you here.

Hard to find? How? There is literally so many books of so genres I weep at night I'll never be able to read them all.

I'll give you something to help you sleep at night.