Terror and Love

Estimating hasnt changed that much I think. Its just as bananas now, just in newer ways. (^_^).

Anyone else used to watch the Intro everytime they started playing because it felt like a tv show you were getting into?

WOW! Memories,


I'll literally found myself wondering. "Are we all children? Is this preschool?!"

I've worked in Engineering and Construction.

Hmmm another big thing for me was Ayla. Ayla, her character blew me away. Still sort of hold her dear as a Eidolon. AYLA!! My hero.

Thats mostly the "I'm old" effect. Its really not that surprising these days. A lot of kids who grew up with gaming now were born a decade after it came out!

They arent really that related. But play Trigger first. I dont think Cross is bad at all, its just defintely not what people were expecting.

The Trial! And the Jailbreak what a great sequence.

The first reveal of the outside world in the Future.

"Cities: Skylines — which I'd like to point out was made by a team of fewer than 20 people — is a city-builder's dream."

I probably would to actually.

Interesting article. I thought it was due to "shrug, nothing I can do about it, it's Capitalism" TM


"I'm not going to spoil it specifically, but I can tell you unequivocally, it is the boldest, weirdest, biggest thing we've ever tried on the book. I'm not being hyperbolic: You'll see it, and you'll be like, "I can't believe they're doing that.""

I had dreamed a dream....and now that dream has come for me....

When I got my first mobile phone in the 00s I was so glad I could ditch watches.

Making your product as easy to get as possible hurts piracy IMO.

"what gets me about Event Horizon is how fucking close to OMG awesome is was while still being oh, so so bad."