Terror and Love

Pleasantly surprised.

It's Japan.

Who is Star Lords Dad?

Its not exactly what you were asking but its a very interesting concept. Re: recreating the past to an extent.

That usually my answer to the "Why haven't we ran into time traveller then" question.


I hate time travel. But I always enjoy what everyone brings to a TT discussion (^_^).

The problem is. I think some one else will invent time travel. So on a long enough timeline we'd have someone else going back.

Dont we already have Neutron Bombs?

Time Travel (into the past) of course. Though sometimes I hope it not possible I still fear....


"Civil disobedience ends with nonviolent people in jail, not people taking a bat to a window and running away."

I dont really think its a statement though.

Actually I think there might be a mod where you can send companions out to search and they bring you stuff back.

Low voter turnout favors the republicans usually.

By my calculations he's just in the right spot.... to win the nomination.

Those Crows have a nice eye for treasure. Could use em with me in Skyrim.

I would have sex with it.

This release is so important to me.

There was an issue of Thunderbolts that dealt with this. Because Capt Marvel took her other Superhero name and they had a little teasing match about it.