Terror and Love

Do you think when they are being asked these questions they are really conscious?

Where I grew up we used the Nod.

Book of Life?

So pissed I didnt get to see this in theatre.

I vastly preferred the Ape parts, to the extent I wish the movie had only focused on them the whole time.

Well those 4 were sort of my internal battle. I havent seen X-men.


Visual Effects

El Oh El

(<3 __ <3 )

I will use the picture for the article under this article to answer this question

So who do we have?

"Shame, not from the US but she seems a very able politician."

Did Wolverine ever die? Is he already back? Did he never even leave?

I found the solution to these problems long ago. Skip all events from the Big Two and any tie ins. (If its not a book that needs help skip of course.)

I write a little as a hobby and its daunting. Even in the little I do. When I consider how Frank Herbert did this it scares me. Its too layered.

Hmmm. Well certain patterns for me produce a certain effect. Some patterns make me calm. Some I can just become fascinated by.

Thanks I think thats it. Though I could say its a fear it just has a somatic effect. Weird.

That actually is a good question....

The one with the shells is pretty rough. I have a physical reaction to it. Because of that psychological effect dealing with certain patterns.