Terror and Love

Hmm I wouldnt have even know it was her store and I'm jacked into the Info stream.

Super Dimensional Fortress....

My fav Ant-Man is the Ant-Man from Avengers:EMH.

You know I was surprised by how I took Arise. I didnt think I would like it. But I did.

Bingo. I been using it as a curse for years. Though only rare few like yourself even known what I'm talking about. They probably just think I'm crazy :)

Nicole Beharie for Captain Marvel please thank you.

This picture at the top is everything for me right now....

If you can find it try out Starhammer or Solar Winds. CLASSIC.

So Star Wars punk!

From another Jezebel post

" 32% of the electorate that showed up to the polls to elect"

The way of the future. Exploring virtual worlds, inhabiting them.

My own theory has always been that Pokemon is a Post-Dystopia.

That is a lot of stuff....

Let us hope its shades of Tales of symphonia

Gereon Resists!

I dont know if I like it. (But I'm selfish and adore a wide range of body types). (~_^)

I tried the Baconator once.......okay two times (Some how I forgot the aftermath of the first time!)

• Dr. Lang was killed by Gruber, so it looks like Arkham needs a new director. Sheeeeeiiiiiiit.

I used to love PUGing in City of Heroes. It was so fun, chaotic true, but fun.