Terror and Love

Around this time each year, I ask if indeed the terrorists won.

When they bring up the Matrix or Titanic for remake it will mean that I am officially old.

Oh! Got like 5 anime to watch

I need to play that again. Been rocking the soundtrack lately.

Could backfire on them in terms of lawsuits and even in justifiable causes it might cause sympathy for the one hit.

Oh I thought of an example where spoilers are okay. I dont know if I would call it a spoiler more of a synopsis. We see this one all the time "Is this going to get better" or "will we ever find out why X did Y?"

I would like to see most of these in a Space Sim or Cyperpunk/Infopunk game.

I really dont care for spoilers.

This isnt the 90s they have to change that name.

Throne of Terra.....

Jedi Power Creep.

Hmm interesting. At first I was going to jokey joke. But at the heart of the matter to me is that she provides content. That being comfort of a sorts. And people are POd that they dont get it.

Idiocracy is probably the scariest movie of all time. When you realize it is a documentary.

I'm a big fan of the superslueth with weird powers or gimmicks/personality quirks.

People say I'm tired of this and I'm tired of that. But for me AoT fills that niche. Its like the only show I have with these tropes.

Little known fact to all of ya. Hanje's gender is rather unknown. This is by the design from the creator. Who wanted some representation of folks a bit gender queer.

Its such a horrid cultural gene to. I mean why care what people who arent even around you think about who you date? You only interact with strangers or even friends/family a fraction of the time you do with the person who is making you happy.


GRITS baby. *does a slow motion backflip*

Ah havent had serious gaming time like that since Skyrim.