Terror and Love


I remember the dark times of the 2000s. When people where ashamed of their butts. It was almost a sure thing. But some how we managed to turn it around and women love their butts as much as aficionados do.

Oh it definitely can be an unwanted guest. Like all through high school it was, "Terror please show us how to solve for this on the chalkboard" *Slaps face*


I'm trying to find a base of common sensation that a person without a penis can maybe relate to. It was hard but I gave it my best shot.


Maaaan the grinding in that game was so much fun. (Thank you awesome battle systems) and crafting.

Alright lets see if I can do this.

So torn... cause as my friend put it "Frank Miller must be stopped, no matter the cost" in Optimus voice.

You know thats something I do too, but I cant say I have actually consciously thought about it till now! Like I guess I just automatically do it.


One of my primary screening mechanism for Dating is to see how my date deals with waitstaff. There is not much on Earth that is a bigger turn off than mistreating waitstaff.

Well met Lad!

For Orochimaru (Who is so sexy in that outfit) and other ninja in Naruto. I think those rope things are tougher than regular cloth. I think that stuff is like tougher fiber. More like wire than cloth.

On NPR there was a woman awhile back talking about a Vacation she and her Cuban husband went on. A boating trip. And her Aunt and Uncle were making raft jokes to his face.

Some of these are done for mod purposes?

Thats what that feeling is! FF!

Also lets not forget Limit Theory

One Piece as the New Star Trek!! Yes! You have my heart. <3

For me I think we like these Post-Apoc settings because people are tired. People feel trapped in their zombie like lives and wish for a change. Not that they wish for horror like 90% of the world dying.