
It's not like you'll be able to pick a loadout with a rocket launcher or a sniper rifle or any 'power' weapon for that matter, it'll be weapons that we're already easily found on the map and generally scattered everywhere. This really doesn't change hardly anything, it only helps people with different play styles.

I'm not going to knock it until I try it, but this might be too much change at once for me. I like Windows 7, and I like the interface for my Xbox, but I don't really want the two combined. Consider me skeptical.

Perhaps you should consider re-sorting the paragraphs. If you just read the first few paragraphs it sounds very much like the start to a 2 star review. Any Android fan won't want to read past this because they'll think it's just going to mock them. (It doesn't help that Apple does seem to be cast in a better light

I'm pretty sure this article in general is stupid. COD haters have legitimate reasons for hating the game. COD4 was great. The rest, to me, and to obviously a lot of other people, are stale unimaginative reiterations of the same game. COD needs to do something new if they want my money.

My friend is becoming a pro at hiding and sending out his EOD bot to kill people. It's pretty damn funny to watch the little bot drive up to a camper or something and zap em.

"The iPhone 4S is the best phone you can buy right now. That's been true of every iPhone, really." It's really hard not to think you guys are being paid by Apple when you open with this.

Yep. I'm still in the camp of Gizmodo needs to go back to the old style blog. It was worlds more functional and looked better in my opinion.

I liked the Social Network, but It shouldn't have gotten the amount of attention it did. Best movie of the year? No. Inception, Black Swan, The Fighter, and The Kings Speech came out the same year.

Droid 1 should be on the list of handfuls who will get the true experience, ain't no custom skins on me.

It's probably not ME related. unless it's a prequel or something, but there was a lot of word about Bioware making a Modern Shooter.

I want a PC with nice specs. :(

This list is actually good. I'm rooting for Mass Effect and Halo. Although it'd be cool if Bad Company 2 won something.

It's so weird to think that not too long ago that area was full of people all the time. It would make an awesome backdrop for a film, maybe someone will sneak in and do a Zombie short?


It's like real life Left 4 Dead!

Vignette is the winner.

It was more impressive last year, the effect has worn off.

I want. Although, you could probably build a desktop like this for cheaper. I wouldn't take this thing anywhere for fear of breaking it.