
Every time a car went over that bump at speed, my brain said, “Them Duke boys!”

It’s just a testament to GM being fully capable of making a hit EV, filling a niche not met by other makers. Why GM seems to be a follower and not a leader here in the U.S. is something more of a puzzle.

If Musk says the Plaid+ was “too good to sell,” that means it had some unsolvable catastrophic problem.  It literally is that simple.

I presume that in this scenario, the kind of insurance and certifications that taxis are required by law to attain still do not apply to U/L? If this is the source of the savings, I don’t think that’s really durable.

In order to pay drivers what they are paid now (without the VC subsidies), U/L would have to charge riders a lot more.

If Uber/Lyft actually functioned as they claimed (and were profitable), they wouldn’t be anywhere near as cheap, which would kill most of the buzz around them.  People would correctly deduce that a taxi would be cheaper.

Freedom isn’t free!
Vaya con dios, State Senator Reinbold. Better hope the ferry doesn’t require masks!

Again, the Volt was outselling all the “serious EVs” until it was discontinued. And we are very far from a point where we can judge the success of GM’s decision to abandon all PHEV tech for a battery-only EV portfolio in 2019.

The Volt was the top-selling EV in the US until it was discontinued, and you think GM wasn’t even taking EVs seriously? I guess you have a pretty high opinion of GM.

The first-gen RWD Model S put out 443 ft-lbs to two wheels.

Feels pretty weird that the Lyriq is $15k cheaper than the ELR.

Ford Aerostar.  I had never seen a minivan before, and I was amazed by the sliding door.

Further, unlike Tesla, both companies have profitable businesses that can help fund their R&D and production of the EV fleet.

The Volt was designed in 2006, well before bailout dynamics would have been a concern.

Apologies; my original post implied that this hypothetical EV would be a branded-and-badged Chevrolet Corvette, but it was more generally a “high-performance electric sportscar.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to give the impression that the hypothetical high-end performance BEV would literally have been a new Corvette; it is unlikely the car would have been named “Corvette” while the C6 was still on the road. Maybe it could have replaced the Michael Bay Camaro, or been a next-gen XLR? The timeline

GM was never going to be able to make that leap because GM was never going to be performance or luxury in a really competitive way.

Who in the world would consider a song NOT by Ray Parker Jr. to be the “Ghostbusters theme”?

Google and Samsung eliminated their headphone jacks... and then promptly brought them back in their midgrade phones, after many customers insisted that saving 2mm of thickness was not worth losing the headphone jack.

You don’t plug anything into your USB ports? The vast majority of wireless KBs and mice use USB

A big part of the automotive sector’s issue has come from the fact that the car industry was massively upended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cars weren’t coming in, and no one was buying used cars. So used car companies started raising their prices as a way to bolster the few sales they were making.