
When sociopaths like this guy look at their standing, they never look down. All they can do is look above and think, “What do I need to do to be the next Jeff Bezos?”

It is rather stunning to see this article downplay and dismiss Biden committing to a choosing a woman for VP while somehow simultaneously managing to praise Bernie for waffling on the same question because of reasons that have nothing to do with the question at hand. (“Bernie is the only candidate truly fighting

Yes, the dastardly voters have rigged the primary yet again.

The idea that the public proclamations of the head of state in the most powerful country in the world should “just be ignored” is... not a useful suggestion.


You’re almost there! The real insight is, “Democrats are never going to be behind someone like Bernie because his frequently stated goal is to defeat the longtime leaders they respect.” Do you think “We need to get people like Jim Clyburn out of office” is a winning message in SC?

It’s like none of these clowns paid attention after we tried this in 2000.

As far as I’m concerned in Bloomberg/Hillary/Gore vs Trump/Dubya, Trump/Dubya might actually be the lesser evil. That sounds insane, but hear me out.

Keep in mind that our second-most-recently appointed Supreme Court Justice wrote an opinion supporting the idea that a trucking company was justified in firing a driver for choosing not to freeze to death while waiting for roadside assistance in sub-zero temperatures with no working heater.

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The other White Mamba convincingly beat 3 guys at once:

Which one of these is the battery-electric... the F-150?

[commented on wrong article, thanks Kinja]

There are several problems with comparing hydrogen cars to Tesla. First off, the fact that EVs can charge at home breaks the entire comparison; if you could ONLY charge a Tesla at a Supercharger, they never would have gotten off the ground. Second, if Tesla were not a startup (and therefore not expected to actually

This article (and the original WaPo article) is pretty silly and clickbaitish.

Looking forward to the upgraded version in a few years, the Xbox Series X One.

About the same as a Gen1 Volt: ~35-40mi electric, then ~35-40 MPG beyond that.

Thankfully, depreciation has resulted in the invisible hand of the free market swiftly correcting Cadillac’s initial price.

They did produce one of them: the Converj.

Part of what you are buying when you purchase a Tesla is exclusivity. Waiting in line to charge behind Leafs and Bolts diminishes that exclusivity. It’s a brand marketing decision, not a revenue decision.

The physical adapters exist (google “JDapter stub”); people use them to access the 240V Level 2 Tesla destination chargers at places like hotels.